• This work was initially inspired from an online tutorial on DJ Adam’s blog.
  • I initially wanted to create parent task for each Projects, and each time a new task or comment is filed under that Project, a child tasks would be created using the indent functionality of Google Tasks, but unfortunately I didn’t manage to get it to work, the Google Script API is still in beta mode.  If you have an idea how to do this, maybe you can respond to my question on Stack Overflow. I have actually managed to figure this one out and the code has been updated in the above links.
  • Google Tasks allows tasks to be created from an email, and the email then appears as an attachment and link in the newly created tasks.  This was a neat functionality that I tried to reproduce without any success until I realised that the API only exposes the read only part of this functionality.  So this may change in the future and that would a nice update to this script.  You will find commented out blocks of code in the script where I attempted this.  As a work around I inserted the shortened url to the task in the Worpress dashboard within the title of the tasks.
  • I found a bug in the Google Script API.  Email messages are encapsulated by the GmailMessage class.  A method getBody() allows to retrieve the html version of the mail body.  However, the method corrupts URL embedded within the body text by replacing ‘&’ signs with ‘&’.  I filed the bug in the issue tracker, feel free to vote for it.