Category: Development
Mitigating Performance Impact from Personalisation
Caching web pages, especially using a Content Development Network is an important step towards a robust and scalable solution. It is possible to cache multiple versions of a page.
Modify a Custom Post Type Registration with the registered_post_type Hook
via Use registered_post_type Hook to Modify Post Type Registration – WP Smith.
Boosting Registration forms
In a recent project we had to make a custom registration form with a various dynamic categories loaded on the form from which a new user can select using a radio button. Simpler Registration Form Plus We discovered the wonderful plugin which is the Swiss-army plugin for registration forms. Why do I call it the…
Managing a development and live site
As is often the case when developing a new site for a client you have to work with a beta site to show-case the work to its stakeholders and in parallel deploy updates to a live site. In such a scenario one ideally wants the live site to be searched and indexed by search engines,…