Category: Development
Use registered_post_type Hook to Modify Post Type Registration – WP Smith
via Use registered_post_type Hook to Modify Post Type Registration – WP Smith.
Mitigating Performance Impact from Personalisation
Caching web pages, especially using a Content Development Network is an important step towards a robust and scalable solution. It is possible to cache multiple versions of a page.
Modify a Custom Post Type Registration with the registered_post_type Hook
via Use registered_post_type Hook to Modify Post Type Registration – WP Smith.
Suppress error notices using WordPress’s WP_DEBUG
In your `wp-content` folder create a new folder called `mu-plugins` and in that folder create a php file with the error level you want, for example: 1 2 //Turns off notices error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); If you are using PHP 5.5 +, you will get deprecated noticed for WordPress’s mysql_* functions, you can turn them off using:…
Suppress Deprecated Notices
In your wp-content folder create a new folder called mu-plugins and in that folder create a php file with the error level you want, for example: If you are using PHP 5.5 +, you will get deprecated noticed for WordPress’s mysql_* functions, you can turn them off using: Or for something really robust, which happens to…
Boosting Registration forms
In a recent project we had to make a custom registration form with a various dynamic categories loaded on the form from which a new user can select using a radio button. Simpler Registration Form Plus We discovered the wonderful plugin which is the Swiss-army plugin for registration forms. Why do I call it the…
How to Disable Comments on WordPress Media Attachments
A lovely little piece of code to disable comments on Media Attachment pages which is a source of irritating SPAM… Just paste the following in your functions.php file. How to Disable Comments on WordPress Media Attachments.
Infinite-Scroll in WP posts
Found a simple and superb plugin name as Infinite Scroll. It allows for the dynamic loading of post on a page as the visitor scrolls down the page. This has the advantage of loading an archives page or a taxonomy page much faster as the initial number of post loaded are smaller. As the page…
Unleashing WP Twenty14 RHS
WordPress latest default theme,TwentyFourteen was released with version 3.8. It is a magazine theme which was long awaited and has probably been the most popular theme so far. However, it is also called a flawed beauty due to the small problems that plague its various functionality such as the lack of configuration options for its…
WordPress theme development
At Syllogic we understand the need to have a website that is elegant and yet unique, to ensure that our client’s sites have a look & feel that is fresh and distinct from their competition. However, theme design is probably the most time and energy consuming web-deveopment, so how do we reconcile the above requirement…