Category: Content Management
Totally Offline Local WordPress
I have been looking for this for a long time and finally found an interesting plugin, Airplane Mode for WordPress.ย This plugin allows you to install WordPress on your local desktop/laptop and stop it from trying to load fonts, icons, gravatars, or javascript libraries of any sort. Without this you will notice that a local…
How to Disable Comments on WordPress Media Attachments
A lovely little piece of code to disable comments on Media Attachment pages which is a source of irritating SPAM… Just paste the following in your functions.php file. How to Disable Comments on WordPress Media Attachments.
Manage user profile and credentials
We recently required to force our newly registered users on a project to change their password on their first login. This is handled by default in the WordPress core with the default password nag meta field, However, upon the first login the user is redirected to the wordpress default profile.php page which is not very…
What is a good website?
A good website is one that goes beyond the need to serve information, but rather plays an integral role in the enterprise’s development and growth.
Quick dirty forms, payment, registration, contact…
Recently we were asked to come up with the most cost effective way to create a registration form with a online payment functionality. Short of actually creating a new site and building in a registration form with some existing plugin functionality, it seemed to be quite a challenge. There is of course the great online…
Managing a development and live site
How to manage a development site in parallel to a live site and both being accessible online.
Going multi-lingual with Polylang
Recently a client requested to introduce a second language section embedded within the default language site. The default being English and the new language being requested being Hindi, a North Indian language using the Devanagari script. This was an interesting challenge and we set about to break new grounds in our little enterprise. There are…
Integrating WP Project Management plugin with Gmail Tasks
One of our favourite Project Management plugins for WordPress is the excellent WP Project Management by Tareq Hasan. The free version of the plugin gives the user a reasonable start and there are some neat commercial addons as well as a pro version of the plugin which offer more functionality. However, as a small developer…