Tiffin Consulting

digital business transformation

Tag: DXP

  • What makes up a DXP

    What makes up a DXP

    Following on from the post on the introduction to a DXP platform, this is a post which is part of a series on DXP platforms. Components of a DXP platform The 2022 Gartner report on DXP platforms lists the following components as making up a DXP platform, A Content management tool Ability to organise and…

  • An introduction to Digital eXperience Platforms

    An introduction to Digital eXperience Platforms

    This is a series of articles on DXP platforms, and how they are in essence a digital transformation for businesses online. What is a DXP platform? A Digital eXperience Platofrm is the next evolution of websites and web-based applications such as mobile apps and more generally the Internet of Things (IoT). Gartner, the leading technology…